Monday, December 26, 2005

that's the cast of popstar :))
we'll cant really see it but...
yea.. its weird :)
nink-ed at 9:12 PM
Goodness. This ALWAYS happens. Sheesh. Looks like I gotta resort to Microsoft word.
I’m dead tired. I just got back from guess where? Anyway, it was fun. Did the usual stuff. Got a new bag. Yeyy. In addition to the joy of the vacation brings, there is a pile of laundry just waiting to be ironed and sorted.
Damn my fingers are in a locked state. They wont type as freely as they used to. shit.
My mum rented Crash and since it was M18, surprise surprise, she did not let me watch it. Days ago, when she FINALLY watched it I asked
Me : how was Crash?
Mum : oh it was very good but it had a lot of VULGAR language. Too Vulgar for your ears
Oookay. Too vulgar? IS SHE KIDDING????
Apparently not. I think the expanse of my vocabulary will shock her. So I guess I will not start spouting bea-u-tiful language in front of her anytime soon.
I think my mum has not been reading. Just imagine what she will say when she sees all the content Kate Cann Books I have. The Meg Cabot books. Ahh well, I guess I’d rather not know.
Oh and I watched Chicken Little for free!! The hotel that I was staying at had a room service where they have a list of movies that they are showing for the week and all you have to do is just call operator and ask for the movie that you want/ so chicken little was shown stuart little 3, the animated movie and I watched a movie which Aaron Carter acted in.
The movie is way too out of this world but it was fun while it lasted. It was basically about this girl who is in the transition stage and everything is weird to her and for her. And she has this singer whom she adores. Aaron Carter who plays J period D period McQueen is the singer and Alana Austin plays Jane. J period D Period or JD has to attend mainstream school cos his grades are not good when he was home tutored. Also, he has this phobia of test. It actually exisits, testophobia hah.. that’s a valid excuse not to sit for exams.. haha.. the usual stuff happens. Aaron is shorter than Alana and when they kiss, she has to bend down. It looks so amusing. I had a good laugh. haha :)
my leg hurts. which reminds me. MERRY CHRISTMAS
the post Christmast sale is like so string there was throngs of people at TM. phew.. the crowd.. mann..
i am so bloody TIRED!! ugh.
nink-ed at 9:00 PM
Monday, December 12, 2005

a real life exampleof
haha.. i thought the picture was, is cute haha
one is big the other small
one has a head full of hair and the other is as bald as a baby's butt
so meannn
i couldn't find a decent picture of jonathan Jackson. aka. Jesse Tuck. he looks exceptionally good on a bike :)) wakaka
another random inane entry
somehow, today, the word inane seems to always be on my mind.
OHH! NUMB3RS IS ON TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh i forgot.
my wishlist!
is not up yet.
nink-ed at 8:18 PM
the human race has gone nuts.
yeap that's for sure
that's all i have to say. for now.
hah.. i
FINALLY watched Tuck Everlasting. i so wanna read the novel. its just so sweet.
just a summary.
rich girl lives a sheltered life
rich girl throws tantrum [ not her fault if you ask me]
rich girl runs away
rich girl gets lost in her own forest.
cute guy finds her
cute guy's brother 'hijacks' her and brings her to their home
cute guy's family has a secret and keeps her with them so that they know they can trust her.
rich girl get upset
cute guy comforts her
cute guy shows her his world
rich girl
likes loves it.
rich girl and cute guy fall in love [such a duh]
cute guy cannot stand the secrecy so he tells her their BIG . [really BIG secret]
things get a tad complicated then. but it is just SO sweet.
the conversations they have are inane but as far as inanity goes its entertaining.
my right thumb is sore. the skin at the joint is starting to peel and it hurts whenever it brushes an type of surface. its the first time it has happened since i stopped using the thumb rest. during combine practice, my back started to hurt and i was trying my best to stretch my spine all the way to the sky [hah.. learnt that from A Muscle A Day] yet it hurted all the way to the end. the first half of practice, the room was freaking freezing and somehow my instrument got stuck panic like shit however, when audrey was just about to tale a look at it, it magically recoverd. JOY
i have decided that my blog is very cheerful and it somehow seems like i just fell in love or soething. hah.. i think its cos of the song. i can't help it, i like that song. so cute..
and melancholic
hmm looks strange
looks worst..
ahh wahtever. it just rhymes
ooh!! pins and needles!
nink-ed at 7:39 PM
Friday, December 09, 2005

ahah!! testing onlyy.
that by the way is from TUCK EVERLASTING
nink-ed at 9:11 PM
nink-ed at 9:10 PM
i lost the post yet again. it was one. save the last sentence or so.
ccan't be bothered to retype the whole thing again
ccan't watch Coach Carter cos its 'not compatible with the DVD player'
so went to thompson plaza for the 3rd time in 24 hours and changed it for Swing Girls'. hilarious i tell you but it was nice.
suffering from withdrawal symptoms for not visited the library.
raHH commy coming. hahah
i am going to expire for being home and school for so long.
nink-ed at 7:43 PM
Monday, December 05, 2005
booya! short short post. :)
Ice Princess
Lionking 2, simba's Pride
Home alone 4
going to watch
coach Carter :)
tooley's adventure thingy
swing girls
and. i can't remember what else.
oh yea CRASH. cept its rated M18. BUTBUT. i'm no the one renting it :)) hehh
i surprised myself by actually practicing the amath thingy. Cheers! 3 and a half chapters . wheee..
im so ready for sec 4! BRING IT ON!!
yea. right. who am i kidding? pbhtt.
so much for short entry
nink-ed at 10:03 PM
Saturday, December 03, 2005
woohoo! yeat another day spent at HOME . ALONE. i'm supposed to do a dozen chores. but hey, that's procrastination for you
apperently everyone has an inner child. according to she spies.
rahh.. everyone's on holiday. cept me. hmph. germs in melbourne. froggay went to bangkok and went for bowling 'camp'. more like resort if you 'camp ' at safra. Gneh n cass going m'sia, ang yiying went to thailand. lili went to.. where did she go to?hmm.. anyway..
i think my parents have plans to go batam? yea. again. JOY
speaking of which, for the nakamura concert thingy on the 29th we are playing christmas songs sounds uber cute but i have a slight phobia whenit came to Jingle bells. no thanks to daf-funn-ii and alexa. i think you would to isnyou had the song blsated in both your years just before you go home. enough to give you nightmares for the rest of your lives..
shudderand the following is dedicated to diquey :)) haha..
Well I tried
But I won't give in
That's alright
'Cause I'm going to win
Now I know
I've got to let you go
Now I see
You were never meant for me
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, I need it
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, tonight
I want your hot stuff
I got to feel it
Got to have your hot stuff
Got to have your love tonight
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
I remember the love in your eye
When you took my hand and said goodbye
I don't know where the river flows
But now I'm free
I'm not going to go down again
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, I need it (Come on)
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, tonight (Baby, baby)
I want your hot stuff
I got to feel it (I got to feel it)
Got to have your hot stuff
Got to have your love tonight
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Hot, hot, hot
Hot, hot, hot
Hot, hot, hot
Hot, hot, hot
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, I need it
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, tonight (Baby, tonight)
I want your hot stuff
I got to feel it
Got to have your hot stuff
Got to have your love tonight
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, I need it (Baby, I need it)
Looking for your hot stuff
Baby, tonight (Baby, tonight)
I want your hot stuff
I got to feel it (I got to feel it)
Got to have your hot stuff
Got to have your love tonight
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
I want you back
Ooh yeah
Tell me that you
Do yeah
Ooh yeah
Tell me that you
Do yeah
Ooh yeah
Tell me that you
Do yeah
Ooh yeah
Tell me that you
Do yeah
Hot stuff- PCD
nink-ed at 10:32 AM