Monday, November 27, 2006
VIVO pictures courtesy of royal minah


pant on the phone with ahem while sucking on the fondue stick

pant's earrings

the green patrolman

Miss Saffiah

this was picture inspired by moi (:

the shops were still closed so we plopped on the funky chairs and snapp (:

see how the Snowman TOWERS over me

the funky yellow people

snowman's long nose
the wierdest thing just happened. well, kinda weird anyway,
throughout the evening, i was humming the opening of Micheal Jackson's Beat It and my mum was highly amused and we just finished watching the video of that song.
ok. maybe it twas not as weird as it was .. haha
its just she things all music nowadays equates to noise and was kinda shocked i was sing that song. beat it i mean. the reason why i sang that was cos harry played it with doug and dann ((:
i LOVE nothing
Everything she says to me means nothing
Even words of sympathy mean nothing
Feeling down and I hate the sound of nothing
What's the point in hanging round for nothing
And I can't remember falling in love with you
This is agony
And you know you're putting me through
This misery taking every memory
Just tell me why this misery won't go away
How can we carry on this way
I find it hard to hold a conversation
And being with her's just an aggravation
I could stay but I haven't got the patience
I'm sick of her pathetic explanations
That's why I've forgotten falling in love with you
This is agony
And you know you're putting me through
This misery taking every memory
Just tell me why this misery won't go away
How can we carry on this way
You'll never bring me down
Coz I'm so far above you
You think you're strongBut you're nothing to me now
And I hope you will be happy
This time around
And I can't remember falling in love with you
This is agony
Do you know you're putting me through(Oh!
)This misery taking every memory
Just tell me why this misery won't go away
I can’t carry on this way! (Yeah!)
Nothing - Mcflyhaha
nink-ed at 7:28 PM
Saturday, November 25, 2006
i am so WHIPPED. really really really really whipped.
well, you would be too id you spent 5 hours on your feet in vivocity with minah and pant.
we were supposed to meet at 1045 and being the
very punctual kiasu person that i am. i was at the bus stop at 1030. i guess it was because i took the straight bus, 855 so i read
In to the Night [yes! a Suzanne Brockmann book about Sam Starrett and Alyssa Locke and also the main story was about Joan DaCosta and Lt[jg]Micheal Muldoon (:] and waited and waited and waited.
her royal Pantat-ness and her royal highness Minah finally called to say they arrived but the shops were still close soblah dee blah we went to take some pictures (: its all with Minah
first stop,
Body Shop. ooh. it rhymes. got my EDT
[eww, toilet water] then trekked to the other side of the gigantic mall to get to
Forever 21 where Minah and i convinced Pant to get the nice rose earrings. all Pant ever looks at are those long straight dangly ones. from there we moved on to
Pull and Bear and i saw this
damn nice pullover!!! it was a striped
Purple and
Black thing .[
Purple is the new Black Pant said so] by then my feet were ugh. lucky i wore my obiang shoes. they provide maximum comfort man! actually, its more of the insole. teehee
Minah was starting to complain of hunger pangs so we trekked around for a foodplace and stopped at
fig and olive. ''fig was often used as a symbol of women's sexuality'' got that from te restaurant. pant was the one who read it a loud. haha. i was choking on my bullwinkle chocolate. Pant just spurted it out of no where and she was all ''what? its there what..''
after lunch went looking for
Missha cos Pant wanted to look for her eyeshadow. while scouting for the store [i swear the place is damn big] Minah and i took pictures with the
yellow colour guys on the cycles thigy. so cute la twas kinda embarassing cos a bunch of police officers just walked passed and were laughing and staring. well, not only them but the rest of the passers bys\. hurr. all the while Pant remembered ''oh yea! waht shall i get sponge for christmas?'' and we began throwing gift ideas. Pant dearest is so original. in between gift ideas and searching for
BLACK eyeshadow, Minah and i were suggesting to Pant that she use the eye pencil that she has and smudge it around her eyes. hey, it works plus it creates the
smoky effect that she was going for [FYI, Pant tried at home and at 1844, she informed me it works thank you very much and even sponge commented on it. see Pant, should listen to us more. :D]
I stopped by
Sans Bookshop and bought another Suzanne Brockmann,
Hot Target ((: its about Cosmo Ritcher and Jane Mercedes Something. i cant remember her last name .
anyway, sidetrack a bit. i have been wanting to find the end of Sam and Alyssa's story as they were cruelly [in my opinion] parted because of certain circumstances.
AND Guess who we saw? one of our teachers.
you'll never guess. really really really
MISS SAFFIAH!!!! and she was drinking a
BOOST smoothie
haha. and SMACK in the middle of the many alleys that Vivocity had, we were discussing [of all things],
the history paper.--''yes i know. the best part is, PANT HAD THE PAPER!!!
haha. that's cos Minah just passed it to her.
so we were standing there in front of the
green police person talking about the SBQ and the damn SEQ i was spacing. wouldn't you. okla, i listened. a bit. haha.
popped in
TOPMAN to see prospective presents for Sponge. [i tell you pant,
DARK GREEN striped shirt and that SKINNY
then our next stop was
Candy Empire. i was SAD that they did not have Tongue Tinglers by WONKA. and
DO NOT patronise me Pant. poots. ((:
then had dessert at
Earle Swensens had the fondue thing that Pant wanted to try and she blanja part of the bill
THANK YOU royal Pantat-ness.
through out Pant was yakking onthe phone with Sponge and talking about cars? yea..
so that was 5 hours mind you.
Five hours. with a whole lotta people. Especially kids
and somewhere during the 5 hours, Pant
SHE WAS GOING TO A McFLY SHOWCASE IN AUSTRALIA.just imagine my reaction to her news. she told me to torment me, obviously. Need i remind you how much i
yea. here's a reminder.

yea. so Pant, please please please go to the showcase ((: HAHAHA
and do not forget to bring back the calender. PLEASE
i just remembered the new sports shopping place at Novena? Velocity? yea. the first time i heard it i was like ''Velo-city?'' it took me sometime to figure out that it was supposed to be velocity, as in the speed thing. phht.
Have fun on your trip tomorrow
Atiqah for ALL the Mcfly songs!! loving Nothing.(:
If You are reading this
Froggay, MISS YOU!! and i want to hear all about NY and Orlando (:
Ditto to
Wogg, See you on the 6th!!
And, if for some strange reason
Germ is reading this, i highly doubt so, HULLO?! haha.. see you on the 6th. be there ((:
Pant, listen to me ((: HAHA
Dique, Happy Feet on? ((:
oh my poor aching feet ((:
is misery taking every memory?LOVEYOULOVEYOULOVEYOU
nink-ed at 7:07 PM
Friday, November 24, 2006
i just watched the new music vdeo for Mcfly's Sorry Not Good Enough. and there were
15806 views already and
99 comments. among the comments were,
F***ING w*** song! you're all N*****sfill in the balnks
some people take the freedom of speech thing too seriously.
come on, we all like or dislike certain things and stuff but do we really have to make known our utter
disgust and others taste? seriously. and the whole racial thing. so what? do you fucking mean that only one type of race is entitled to listen to a certain genre of music or something? if i love listentnig to HAPPY songs, like Mcfly, that makes me what?
i still cannot believe there is still discrimination thing is still wide spread.
world peace my ass.
so much for music being an international language
Respect much?
anyway. the video is still so them . and richard makes another cameo. haha. cute guy. the whole mexican theme-y thing is cute and when danny belts out his part, its like, '' PWHOAR!'' sexy (: and when harry and dougie do that little hug thing.. aww.
and thanks atiqah for the Tour CLIPS ((: love it haaha
nink-ed at 2:31 PM
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
i was feeling kinda melancholic and somewhat in a chrismassy mood
[though i dont celebrate christmas, its the sleigh ride song, i swear.]haha. so yea. i found the video for the band aid 2004,
Feed the World the UK stars singing the song. and i am getting goosebumps. its just so.. eerie? no, not eerie, just yeaa.. and when they were playing the video where they were showing the african kids. it breaks my heart.
finish your plate of food people. don't waste. really
the greatest gift they'll get this year is life
nink-ed at 11:15 AM
and i am not going
Yesterday was the Pae briefing thing and i was at my dental appointment (:
the bands in my braces are now
pink and
so these are the PAE stuff in the folder (:

MY LEAVING CERT!! i'm outta Secondary school (:

PAE folder

PAE booklet, Leaving Cert, Testimonial and the Result Slip

TEstimonial.i forgot to rotate it ((:
AND last night, 6ers had dinner at
TEPAK SIREH19 people turned up. that's more than half (: it was a very. ermm..
noisy boisterous event. HAHA. see the
gorgeous ladies at the event
that's what the nice lady said ((:
so pictures. yea

we are the early people there (:

amelia (:

ghislene aka GNEH (:

charlene and shannon

reeta,meishan and sheena


top row, l-r
basically, the people at my table. save for lois, who was taking the picture and shameen who was att... where were you shameen?
there's more actually. BUT there are other more pressing pictures which i should have shared much earlier.

last migraine potrait(;

azy. ahh. im gonna miss talking to you (:
i WILL always have time for icecream ((:

take CARE girl!!!
ahh.. and that is the end ):
love you ALL!
nink-ed at 9:21 AM
Monday, November 20, 2006
AHAHA... ok... xman is so funny. haha..
how retarded that sounded. anywa, i'm probably going for the class dinner tomorrow Tepak Sireh
not going for PAE cos of my dental aapt ((;
should i get all green bands? checkered green bands? or one shade for the upper teeth and a darker one for the lower teeth? or sould i just make it a checkered barney colour?
have i posted a picture of aaron renfree yet? i don't think so right? hmm. ((:
that was when he was younger. now,
haha.. sad that SC8 broke up ):
i'm not sure this works but yea. this is a clip of the SC8 guys singing in their series, idream
i dunno whats up with the fourth guy who sings out of tune .. but yea.. haha. aaron is in green ((: duh
ok. i cant get it right
anyway, the song is show me the stage. so check it out ((:
nink-ed at 9:12 PM
so after that one hour paper, i was supposed to meet Dique at Paya Lebar MRT so that i can drag her to borders.
BUT i was early. and Dique was late. very late. i counted around 16 Trains had passed before i received a call saying she just left Eunos MRT. (: you so owe me (: Dique of course had a lot stories to tell and it was difficult to keep a straight face and when she was retelling the Xman ep 14 [korean variety] and we were giggling between the shelves of mystery and romance books. She went crazier when she saw the TOTP amg with Danny's HUGE face on it. she went " eek! eek!' all the time i was looking for AAG: RON (:
YES!! i OWN it now!!

but the clour of mine is green and purpley.
yea so then we went to Far East. rented some books, had lunch and Dique was off.
okay. i need to go watch Xman now. im so distracted by it. haha
nink-ed at 7:17 PM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
its pretty amazing what a little bit of practice does to my amath. HAHA
3 to go.
SOME people are finished TOMORROW. AND SOME other PEOPLE will be jetstting off while some OTHER people take their last few papers.
have fun anyway froggay ((:
oh and Happy Birthday. i mean, belated birthday WOG (:
tears on my pillow, pain in my heart, caused by you.. Grease mania..
i come in peace.
nink-ed at 12:25 PM
Thursday, November 09, 2006
People marching to the drums
Everybody's having fun
To the sound of love
Ugly is the word we're on
If I'm right then prove me wrong
I'm stunned to find a place i belong
Who-oo is your lover?
When hell freezes over
That's when i'll tell
Whoo-oo is your lover?
I couldn't tell
When will this stop?
Transylvania - McflyMath 2 is tomorrow. then amath.. blahh.
i'm currently just chiong-ing for History.
praying real hard Gorby will be one of the SEQ questions. then hoping that the SBQ will not be as shite as the SEA history.
thenn OMG!! no more STUDYING!! ((;
i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait.
nink-ed at 10:39 AM
Monday, November 06, 2006
MiTO out TODAY!!!!!
to you mortals out there, its
Motion in the Ocean the THRID MCFLY album in which STAR GIRL shot STRAIGHT to Number 1 ((: that single us out on the local airwaves.. ahh.. such a happy song hehh
ohh.. they changed Lose It to Friday Night.. hmm.. haa.. this album has a lot of guitars. Walk in the sun is acoustic-y :D

ANYWAY, today was also Math paper 1 and Social studies. am i glad its over ((:
its the only chapter i studied. ((: i am so thankful and uberly relieved that it came out (: ahh!!
tomorrow's chem (:
wednesday is English
friday is math 2
next week.. is amath and history 2.
then 201106 ia the end! last paper then im free after 9am..
the things to look forward to(:
library hopping
k-drama marathon (:
book hunting
cd shopping
cant wait
nink-ed at 5:02 PM