Sunday, December 31, 2006
Selamat Hari Raya AidilAdha
at Wayong's house, digue was going, " teukkie, teukkie" mainly cos Wayong's sister-in-law looks like Teuk, REALLY>
i saw the resemblence. thus whenever she was in the same room as dique you can hear, " teukkie, teukkie" haha ((:
seeing your cousins are always fun. really.
oh yea. Happy New Year. though im like 4 hours early.
AND MINAH is so INLOVE woth Chul
which is so cute
haha ((:
thanks YIYING!:D
nink-ed at 8:10 PM
Saturday, December 30, 2006
my foot's briused.
cos i slipped in the toilet.
oops.. hehh ((:
im watching innocent steps ((:
to have
no worries in the world
nink-ed at 7:48 PM
there are other things that gets my on an equivalent to a sugar high.
Federal Intelligence, Rescue Missions carried out by
Max Bhagat, SEALs,
Chloe O'Brien hacking into CTU's system because she's helping
Jack Bauer and she herself is in danger..
David Caruso acting so suave in CSI: Miami as agent
Micheal Scofield scouting out potential escape routes in prison pipes
Karen Hayes REALISING that that bastard LOGAN is invovled in an u-g-l-y scandal involving national security
oh man
my fingers are all restless
its SO SO SO exciting.
24 rocks.
so does Prison Break
SEALs. of course
and darling Max Bhagat, you gotta love him.
add all that and
rain to the equation and I get a perfect way to spend my time ((:
nink-ed at 5:37 PM
Thursday, December 28, 2006

check out the biceps.
nink-ed at 1:46 PM
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

look what CHEERI GOT ME!!!!
i shall name it CHrEEstophoRI pooh ((:
cheeri should be honoured ((:
just got bakc from the band sec 4 farewell. the bbq was no diff from the last. cept maybe we werent doing the bbq ing ((:
ahh.. miss them all so much.
aukele (: came late and i guess i didn't realise how MUCH i missed her cos we wouldn't let go of each other ((:

keep smiling yea!
love you (((:
nink-ed at 9:48 PM
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
nink-ed at 7:52 PM
i am so so so exhausted.
oh by the way Eun hyuk poked Teuk twice. sorry bout that.
first i had the orientation thing at Innova. so daddy sent me to the MRT and i took the train to Woodlands only to realise that Esther Ang was on the same train as i was (: since we were early, well, cos we had to wait for my friend cos i had no idea how to get there we waited and i think the wait and the freezing weather made Esther delusional. cos she started to see her
piyate helicopter supposedly piloted by scofield to get us to Innova.
tsk tsk
[ dumb dumb give me my gum gum ]when suzanna arrived, we took the bus 901 it was a relatively short journey. taking 5 mins? haha.. walking is kinda convenient too. so we shall try walking to school next time. ok Esther?
poor Esther was half asleep.
we had the usual stuff, address by the principal, subject briefings. it was something that was expected from a briefing preparing the students to face JC life blah blah. all that jazz.
we were told to register our choice subject combination. then. in the middle of the briefing, when the economics teacher was giving an overview of what to expect of Econs and stuff, this guy raised his hand. so naturally, all of us thought he wanted to ask a qustion cos frankly, whatever the lecturer of teacher said just didn't register
[i was without breakfast mind you]then the guy said
"May i go to the Toilet?"
that was the best comic relief EVER. i swear the whole lecture theatre was teetering on the edge of bursting out laughing but i guess we settled for snorts and bursts of laughter. kind souls (:
but we were back in the slums when the talk dragged on. i think at the end they basically convinced, well, me at least, that JC is no joke. i am so looking forward to it. not.
no really, i mean all the teachers were like " if you want to take the subject, make sure you work hard, read widely.." blah blah
rruh.. here we go again..
Esther and I walked bakc to the MRT and Stubborn Esther refused to open her umbrella saying its more romatic to share umbrella and walk in the rain. phish.
ahh.. so tired. then all the cousins from my mum's side save the 2 older ones were at my place and the just left and i am knackered.
tic toc goes the clock again
nink-ed at 7:13 PM
Monday, December 25, 2006
Night at the Museum is a MUST watch. its knee slappingly funneh (:
i just got back from watching the movie with dique and atiqah.
see, there is a.. somewhat objective in watching the movie. like i mentioned, McFly's
Friday Night is one of the songs featured in the movie.
so yea. but the other 2 wanted to genuinely watch the movie (:
so we met at
Borders, being the early bird [duh!(:] i grabbed a couple of hairstyling magazines and comfortably sat on the bench waiting for the other two royal highnesses. the sytles for the past year has been beautiful but they were more catered to those who have an important event eveynight. not exactly what i was looking for. anyway, i really liked the hairstyle on Sienna Miller. those short cropped but long kinda thing.
back to the movie.
its HILARIOUS. really.
and we were well,waiting for the song to be played. so when the credits rolled, we were waiting and te second song that was played was FRIDAY NIGHT! we squealed. it was soft and short but nevertheless, a squeal. we were happily singing along like retards in the fast emptying theatre. (:
yeap. so popped by Far East to get a SEAL Book [(:] this time its about Max Bhagat. FBI agent. Negotiator Extrodinaire. (:
right. my sis is bugging me to get off so she can play her barbie games. bugging more like the not so silent sighs directed to me.
she learns form the best
nink-ed at 2:32 PM
Saturday, December 23, 2006
ahh.. bum bum's voice in my ears ((: ahh
RACHEL ESTHER ANG YI YING will be going to INNOVA also ((:
we are SO fated (: hehh.. not in THAT awy. just that.. we ALWAYS find ourselves together HAHA
nink-ed at 5:58 PM
Friday, December 22, 2006
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallowsyup yup that's the title of the 7th book in the potter series.
we shall soo
nink-ed at 5:30 PM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Life couldn't get better (:
nink-ed at 9:32 PM
i dont have the best of tempers. and my sister dearest is testing it to its limits
just one day. one MORE day.
i can shirk my sisterly responsibilities.
just ONE day.
but anyway. at the end of it i feel rotten.
i always do.
screw you.
nink-ed at 11:08 AM
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
my daddy just recieved a holiday hamper from.. i dunno who (: and its a damn cute picnic basket (((: haha
inside there's like TONS of chocolate. yum and a lot of other stuff that we ourselves would't dream of eating. haha
but there's a first time of everything haha
i'll happily dive headfirst into the picnic basket ((;
high altitude, high opening jumps
nink-ed at 7:47 PM
Monday, December 18, 2006
i guess its time for a proper post
went to bugis with mummy, siela and dique.
the real intention was to look for our bag [ me and dique's] cos i saw zinc that day with cass and the bags looked different from what we always have.
so we went there. and dique being well, dique zoomed in on details [ (:] yes the ring is cool shit. and so was the eyes. the sales guy spoke fluent malay and my mummy was impressed la. then she started to haggle. [typical] she can get real embarassing [ i still love you! ] but tis damn amusing. (:
then we had lunch at toa payoh at the pizza hut and stopped by phoon huat to get the
mugcake [cupacke. but my dear mummy got it out wrong. (:socuute la]
stuff then chiong-ed home to get it done. the cupcake i mean cos dique had to chiong back home. the cakes were yummy and i was playing around with the icing sugar. (:mmm..
sent dique off at bishan MRT and stopped by bishan Library to reserve
Gone Too Far and
Da Vinci Code. then cos i need a book, i got a
Julie Garwood and
Londa Howardoh and minah and pant ((: i'm making somthing for youuu ((;
HAHAAH.. see you soon yea (:
nink-ed at 8:25 PM
i feel much better now. hehh. sorry bout that.
michelle wie is so damn tall. she was on an episode of
Xman a korean variety show [so don't expect mutants like some idiot viewers.] she is taller than all the guys there [or some might put it, they are just plain short]. her korean is just so cute. ahh
time for my laughs.
but i still cant forget bum bum's and kyungie's face at the end of SJ:FH.
nink-ed at 8:21 PM
oh man the last episode, the last part of SuJu:Fullhouse is so damn sad.
i am like pausing the video and typing this so that i wont cry so hard. oh gosh. its so sad.
i hate goodbyes.
i wonder how i will be when we get our o results. i mean that's REALLY goodbye.
and be happy every moment. don't forget us. goodbye
nink-ed at 8:12 PM
Saturday, December 16, 2006
hello (:
my sister had her orientaion today. some thingy at an-nahdhah.
decided not to tag along so met mummy at bishan with daddy. (:
see, sunce its the weekend, we decided to take public transport.
mummy finally got me my anklet! cheers!! haha.. and because of the 20% off 3 purchases thing at
Perlini's adik got one anklet too. its actually and adults bracelet but it is big enough for an anklet (: hahh and i got a bracelet too ((:
so we [quote fom minah (:]
trained to dhoby ghaut. oh mann the crowds were horrible la! i mean it is a public transport and all but there is certainly no need to push and shove people around is there?
walked around
Plaza Singapura actually, the aim to go there was to get my mp3 but my parents were so elusive about it. i guessed all along anyway. see, the deal with my mum was that i would that player depending on the olevel results. but, i dunno what happened so yea. but according to my mummy the player will be held hostage till the results come out. i'm not really bothered (: but knowing my parents. anything can happen ((: and yes i got the player (:
lately, i've been listening to
Super Junior no, not a branch of the uk version. its the korean group. consisting of 13 guys. and yes, a couple caught my eye (:

kim kibum.

hankyung. he's chinese and in SuJu: Full House, he will always say that to use it to his advantage. haa. and the rest always regard him as
the foreigner but their banter is damn cute.
yeap. their songs are nice too (: HAHH.
if you ask dique, she will be able to give you brief run down of each guy
she loves them. almost to the point of obsession.
love you too dique (:
nink-ed at 6:58 PM
i received a call from cheeri yesterday while they were still in the plane((: aiya that girl wanted to know which school i got posted to laa.. haha
anyway. i talked to wogg for a bit ((: she still wants a MAG outing and so do i ((:
no matter. we shall have one. in the near future.
speaking of schools.
i got posted to Innova [arts]
yes its my first choice
yes i'm going there
no its not that far from my place
yes i do plan to stay if/when i make it
any other questions?
i was all asleep in my bed, then i awoke. with a funny feeling in my stomach
nink-ed at 10:42 AM
Friday, December 15, 2006
all the way from down under.
sheesh that was already a damn big clue haha

the royal pantat who now claims to have purple pepsi for hair. seriously. PURPLE pepsi.
the next time you call your hair will be what?
sheesh. but fomr the 15? minutes of conversation, i gather she is having tonnes of fun. sponge was piciting her feet and all
"can you please get me a drink?"
he kena bully i tell you.
our conversation was basically like this
(phone rings)
Me: Yubusaeyo?
Pant : Hello? may i speak to Asnira please?
Pant : i did not call you to be deaf you know
so it went on and on. basically me drowning out her voice until she threatened me with [guess what Minah? (: haha] my McFly calender. ((;
then all her shopping sprees were realted to me. and i was kinda surprised at the somewhat mearge [HAHA!!] amt of stuff she bought but like she said, i should be proud of her. after all, there is still Paris ((:
i can't wait for you to get back LAA!
minah misses you too ((:
faster come back la.

peace out (: god i look weird-er.
nink-ed at 3:13 PM
Thursday, December 14, 2006

nice purple baubles

the stage was like a big present

all the girls

i heart jia yu's hair!

jasmine, geena

all 12 tickets
nink-ed at 10:29 AM
so i went out with the peeps yesterday.
at time of update, the picturs taken have not been uploaded so.. yea ((:
met geena and jasmine first then lunched at swensens while the rest had lunch at marche. thanks yea for accompanying moi ((:
then after lunch trooped to marina and was trying to decide whether or ont to watch a movie. after wholly agreeing, it was time to decide what to watch. and it took a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG
so we got tickets to ERAGON at 1630 (:
the movie was very..uhmm.. not like uberly fantstic or anything. i remember seeing lots of scenery. its preety much like how a movie should go. building up to a climax and all that.
i just have to say : HULLO the jeans are in the wrong century!
i thought the eragon gut. edward speelers or something was kinda cute but after MANY MANY close ups of his face.. he lacks the smooth ruggedness which i thought was present. oh well ((:
pictures will come another day ((:
all withe the pweety purple christmas decor ((:
nink-ed at 9:15 AM
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
im meeting people from 6a class of '02. do you knnow how bloody excited i am? ((:
i'll give you a clue.
i'm damn BLOODY excited
anyway, this is for oni.
you like danny you say?
he's such a cute spaz ((:

see. curls. he looks so much better with straight hair. but he decided to let ig go NATtuRAL. that's how he pronounced it eh dique? ((:
nink-ed at 7:30 PM
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Firday Night is gonna be one of the songs in
Night at the Museum the one where Ben Stiller is in (:
Star Girl will be in
Holidayanyway. finally caught
Happy Feet on friday wiwth Dique, Mimi and my sis. my sister's FIRST visit to the cinema (:
she was surprisingly obliging and relatively quiet. i mean seeing the other kids couldn.t sit still. she enjoyed it. the tub of popcorn infront of her and the chair folding on her. she was having fun.
then slept over at Dique's house but first, we stopped by bishan library.
HAHAHAHA!!! YOU'RE HOOKED ON SEALs TOO!!!!! nyahhhshe borrowed
Havard's Education [read that ((:] and a Christina Skye book. your first right (:
Code Name : Nannyi got a Linda Howard book which also circled around intelligence, Naval intelligence
then yesterday, went to Mama didi's house for the movie thing. but by the time we went there,it was late so we managed to watch
Just My Luck and
POC:The Curse if the Black Pearl. then the 4 of us [ me, dique, nana and chubb] slept over. we crashed on the big comfy couch. and the mattresses and watched TV till 0300. despite our late night, we woke up at 0600 this morning.
so now here i am, fighting fatigue and laughing over SJ full house (:
nink-ed at 8:28 PM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
OMG OMG OMG>> i just found out.
i tihnk i'm slow. but Hilary and joel broke up already..
its sad okay
it hink they look good together laa. despite their age gap and all
nink-ed at 10:50 AM
i'm not much of a blog drafter. this is my first time but i had to write this enrty cos i just need to get it off my head.
i felt compelled towrite this peice of review because the movie kept me on the edge the whole time as i tried to figure out the ending even before it reached the middle. its a bad habit of mine you see. it only happens when i come in contact with romantic dramas. really.
the movie in question?
the lakehouse
i have to say the lakehouse is so damn nice but how the hell do the occupants get the privacy? well, i guess that's why its on the lake in the middle of practically nowhere.
the start of th emovie was so damned slow. by the time the movie progressed to the part where they were exchanging super quick letters in the cute rusty letterbox, 3 different conclusions already formed in my mind.
see,i told you its a bad habit. its the same with books [except SAEL stories, i usually just thriugh caution in the wind and let the book sweep me off my feet. its very biased and very bad] which often leaves me very disappointed at the ending cos its usually not the one that i expected so, i figured a solution, read the first few chapters, flip to the back, read the ending and THEN read the whole stoery from the start AGAIN. yes yes, it spoils the fun but the genre of books i usally read [romance novels. keyword:
romance not trashy]are pretty much predictable so this is how i choose my books. with a book, it is very easy to do that but with a movie, its not exactly ideal. now that you know my secret, i have to shoot you.
so anyway, back to the 'review' my three conclusions were that
a) he died in 2004 before they met
b) he died in her time just after they met
c) she saved him from dying.
guess which one was the right one?
when the scene at the
Daley Plaza when sandra Bullock's character, Dr Katherine Forester when on philosophical when she was trying to end the correspondence with Keanu Reeves's Alex Wyler, it was hard to jump up from the blanket i was lying on at midnight when everyone in my famly was alredy asleep. therefore i couldn't go:
[ the movie was still playing at this point]" YES YES YES!!!! i KNEW IT! i KNEW he died! hahh! i'm a genius. sheesh. in this case, they should hire me to write their scripts. HAHAHA!! HE DIED Kate! how does that make you feel?HE died BECAUSE he wwanted to see you!! god you're stupid. He died becasue of you. how does that make you feel. huhh! that's why he didn't make it to dinner date at IL whatever. HE DID wait for you. but he can't die!! that's just so sad.."i couldn't exclaim loudly but i was muttering non stop.
with the knowledge of that he did die, it kept me on the edge because NOW, i had to worry about when she will find out. as exasperated i am at her drastic aciton of cutting ties with him, its still a romantic story and i AM a romantic junkie. in my thiughts now were
what will she do?
she will find out duh! but .. when?i guess that monolouge up ther puts you off watching movies with me. its irritating. i know. i hate it when people do that to me. that's why i pretty much prefer watching DVDs by myself and i get to cuss freely, no one's stopping my. though i have yet to walk into a cinema by myself.. hey! never say never ! (:
the movie carried on pretty much the way it should have. its ending was poignant enough. doesn't leave you dangling. like a carrot off a stick.
however there are a few things that made me question.
firstly. the tree that suddenly popped in front of 1620 North Racine, her apartment. he planted it in his year and it popped up in her year. all of a sudden. what are the chances. and the kiss that she planted on Morgan Price,her jerk of a boyfriend was a bit insensitive.
secondly, the book
Persuasion by Jane Austen was a book her dad gave to her. but she left it at the train station back in 2004 and he found it for her. it popped under her floorboard in her apartment. again, what are the chances that it was that apartment, that room. i mean to get i the construction site, he should have access to it in the firt place. he wasn't involved in the building process even. sheesh.
lastly, their date at the Il something eating place. if he DID receive the message SHE sent form 2008 to not cross the road to see her at
Daley Plaza, then shouldn't he be able to make it for their date cos he's not dead? then wouldn't he meet her earlier?
phew. that's off my head.
i should just acept the way things are eh? but that would be spineless of me wouldn't it?
i really should shut up now don't you think so? you managed to read thus far.
maybe during the Saturday movie marathon i can analyse the movies one by one and find their loopholes.
god pant. get an internet connectionalready. sheesh. or send me a longer message the next time ((:
DIQUE. this is for you la.
CLICK HEREits SMA. worth going too ((: haha
nink-ed at 9:07 AM
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
OMG! if you listen REALLY carefully, dougie's singing too ((:
haha.. sheesssh. i have noo life eh?
My mike's not on. What a blowout!
nink-ed at 10:53 AM

this picture was from the recent hari raya.
its all the girls. well, except for the 2 youngest ones. my sister and anyam ((:
they shy la
i borrowed Killjoy by Julie Garwood.its boring. not as nice as her Murder List. i was disappointed cos i liked her Murder List
i finally finished Seven Tears into the Sea. its a nice love story involving a mythical creature, the prince of seals. selkins. haha..
getting started on the trilogy by Scott Westerfeld
i have already read UGLIES, skipped PRETTIES and now it SPECIALS. the story's kinda creepy in a way cos of all the implants the put in a special person. a special person is one who has all the reflexes and senses heightened. its creepy.
MAG outing is cancelled. and we have to set another date and MAKE DAMN SURE everyone can make it. hmph.
and i found Eddie's song ft Mcfly haha
nink-ed at 10:07 AM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
i put up
No Worries
We Are the Young
nyahaha. ENJOY((:
nink-ed at 9:23 PM
i am
knackeredjust got back from BATAM and MAG outing is Postponed. sheeesh always happens.
anyway. woke up groggy at 0630 am and got ready. arrived at HarbourFront Centre starving at 0800 hours and took the 0830 ferry to Batam centre only to realise when we got there we were damn early so walked around the closed shopping centre. hahh.
so when the supermarket opened, did the usual shopping of stuff we can't find in singapore. then went to
Johnny Andrean hair salon. daddy had a hair cut and i tried the creambath. WAH!! damn
SHIOK the massage was so OOMPH .and guess how much it costs? the creambath itself costs 16500 rupiah [~$4] and the hair spa and everything came up to 43ooo rupiah [~$8] damn shiok i will go there AGAIN. my hair now is so damn soft ((:
got a couple of blouses. my mum got a RUSTY purse. haha. so cute.
had lunch at
Pizza Hut we had:
2 personal pan pizzas
1 medium pan pizza
1 small spaghetti
10 piece drumlets
2 lime slosh thingys
1 fresh lime juice
the bill amounted to around $30 ((:
walked around some more then got home. took the 1530 ferry [batam time, so it makes it 1630 in singapore]
the waves smacking against the ferry makes a damn good lullaby. i fell asleep right after i finished reading Sofie Metropolis by Tori Carrington. the cute thing about the author's name is that its a duo. a husband and wife team, their names are TOny and loRI. so their joint name is TORI. cute aye?
while the ferry was waiting to berth, i managed to compare Vivocity and HarbourFront Centre. its like a wavy slab of concrete compared to sturdy block of concrete. except the wavy slab of concrete is around 3 times the land area.
so now i'm infront of this electrical thing waiting for CSI: Miami to commence on the other electrical box.
i think i shall put up Walk in the Sun. mainly cos dique was saying Transylvannia has not much Danny in it. sheesh. nahh.. i think Friday Night should do it ((:
see dique ((: its FOR YOU ((:
OH YEA!! Mama Didi invited her neices and nephews [ i think] for Another Movie marathon ((:
this time, the agenda will tentatively be
- Just My Luck
- Failure to Launch
- Pirates of the Carribean
there are 2 more, but i forgot.
which reminds me. i have to watch Lakehouse ((:
this is life man
see you guys next time. BETTER MAKE IT.
have a safe trip y'alls.
play your bestest and have fun ((:
nink-ed at 8:32 PM
Monday, December 04, 2006
the new templates all settled
thanks so much cass. ireally should learn how to change templates myself. oh well
i just discovered that i have read MOST of Suzanne Brockmann's works.
there are 2 series
Tall Dark and Dangerous series and the
Troubleshooters Incthe
TDD its mainly about the Team Sixteen and the
TI is about Tom Paoletti and his company but i think that both are inter related cos in some books Team sixteen Works for Tom. hmm.
i think its damn cool.
i told you i have a fascination with Navy SEALs.
the book that i REALLY want is
Gone Too Far featuring Sam Starett and Alyssa Locke and Kelly and Tom. i think this is the book where Tom and Kelly FINALLY get married after dunno how many years and Sam and Alyssa get back together in the midst of Sam's wife, Mary Lou's murder. ohh.. haha
i cant wait.
shall hunt it.
oh yea.
don't forget to listen to Transylvannia.
its by Dougie.
i mean written douglas lee poynter
nink-ed at 12:43 PM
nink-ed at 12:10 PM
ahahah ((: love the new template ((: kudos to cass ((:
haha.. ((:
i am SO happy
nink-ed at 11:24 AM
Sunday, December 03, 2006
hello(: asnira if you're reading this. THANK ME BABY. hhaah. Finally this template is done. haha. made some changes cos the dumb creator made the code in such a silly way that it became so messy. heh. have fun!
cass rocks!
nink-ed at 10:06 PM
ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh
anyway. the past week have been a blur of outings and tons of movies. lets see. what have i watched so far
- A Walk to Remember
- Mail to the Cheif
- Problem Child
- Superman Returns
- Step Up
- Akeelah and the Bee
- Little Manhattan
- Firewall
- Ice Age 2
- Over the Hedge
- Take the Lead
- She's the Man
- Hardball
and a Korean Drama Series,
- Full House
phew. there's more to come. more movies i mean
like my mother says
" Mata plototan"
i have no idea what plototan means. but i kinda think that my mummy means that my eyes will be fried. thats the visual i get when she says plototan cos its like plotot. haah
then, other than movies, i have been renting and borrowing books
- Public Secrets by Nora Roberts
- Hot Target by Suzanne Brockmann
- The Admiral's Wife by Suzanne Brockmann
- Hawken's heart by Suzanne Brockmann
- Into the Night by suzanne Brockmann
- Dream Man by Linda Howard
- Murder List by Julie Garwood
- The Firament by Tim Bowler
these are the books that i have read
there are 10 more
my eyes.
shall check back in a few for more updates during this long hols
Akeelah : Xanthosis, z-a-n-t-h-o-s-i-s. xanthosis
[bell rings]
Announcer : That's incorrect. Dylan, if you spell this right, you win the Bee
Dylan : Xanthosis, x-a-n-t-h-o-s[pause]-e-s. Xanthosis
that was real lame but yea, you should watch it. its kick ass
nink-ed at 8:45 PM