Sunday, April 29, 2007
let me tell you who i met yesterday during the band exchange (:
wan yuan
si hui
yu xuan
loads of tkgssb members (:
wee shan
wan ting
there were tonnes more,
i cannot place their names.
im sorry
but it really was an experience.
when i finally found the time to hug wog. i was damn sad. cos it occured to me that i will only be able to see her at times like this.. during exchanges or concerts. we are too damn busy already.
went back to school and had lunch with bathcies. choked on my rice a couple of times. nothing disastrous. sheet. did i even spell that right?
long legs and i were bickering. as usual. but its fun sparring with her. grace told a cowboy joke. and the lorry twister. ahhaha :D
on hindsight:
i feel that i can always do more but i lack the drive and will. you know when sometimes you feel that you REALLY know when someone is feeling like crap. and that person is totally is. you feel helpless cos you cant do anything to lift the person up. reason being. it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. yucks. no matter how much i try to detach myself i will still feel guilty. in school it has been happening alot. and it irks me to the core.its a whole new week tomorrow.
and i will take it as it comes.
i shall be brave.
yes i will
nink-ed at 7:52 PM
Saturday, April 28, 2007
met WOGGAY (: happy happy happy
was feeling highhhh
and the after effects is still lingering (:
woggay dear.. send me the photo ((:
nink-ed at 8:36 PM
Friday, April 27, 2007
im loving this song (: haha
Four years you think for sure
That's all you've got to endure
All the total dicks
All the stuck up chicks
So superficial, so immature
Then when you graduate
You take a look around and you say HEY WAIT
This is the same as where I just came from
I thought it was over
Aw that's just great
The whole damn world is just as obsessed
With who's the best dressed and who's having sex,
Who's got the money, who gets the honeys,
Who's kinda cute and who's just a mess
And you still don't have the right look
And you don't have the right friends
Nothing changes but the faces, the names, and the trends
High school never ends
Check out the popular kids
You'll never guess what Jessica did
How did Mary Kate lose all that weight
And Katie had a baby so I guess Tom's straight
And the only thing that matters
Is climbing up that social ladder
Still care about your hair and the car you drive
Doesn't matter if you're sixteen or thirty-five
my FAVOURITE part (:
Reese Witherspoon,
She's the prom queen
Bill Gates,
Captain of the chess team
Jack Black, the clown
Brad Pitt, the quarterback
I've seen it all before
I want my money back
The whole damn world is just as obsessed
With who's the best dressed and who's having sex,
Who's in the clubs and who's on the drugs,
Who's throwing up before they digest
And you still don't have the right look
And you don't have the right friends
And you're still listen to the same shit you did back then
High school never ends
High school never ends
The whole damn world is just as obsessed
With who's the best dressed and who's having sex,
Who's got the money, who gets the honeys,
Who's kinda cute and who's just a mess
And I still don't have the right look
And I still have the same three friends
And I'm pretty much the same as I was back then
High school never ends
High school never ends
High school never ends
Here we go again
High School Never Ends-Bowling For Soup
nink-ed at 10:02 PM
i was in a VERY shitty mood in the morning. i just felt like a bloody prop. well yeah. its one of the i feel so sorry for myself days which i hate. so most of the time was spent on me berating myself for feeling that way. i mean whadda heck. life's too short to be feeling sorry for one's self. so so so.. i forced my self to BRIGHTEN up (:
which i did
after food went into my tummy (:
went with batchies. haha had a great laugh then yingying and i power walked back to school. haha the rest were l a g g i n g behind us.
yeap yeap
was kinda of a frustrating practice. i dunno. guess evreryone's feeling the pressure? or was it just me. cos i went in the room. fearing for my sanity? or others? for some reason. and well. it did show through? i have no idea how to put that in a proper sentence structure.
band now feels different. the music i hear and play is different. gahhs. no matter. things looked up a notch. was
spreading [butter] HAHA. ok sorry inside JOKE (: haha. spreading the flushing tongue twister. it spread SO bloody fast . haha. the power of words. (:
went home walking all the way to the bus stop sharing jokes to cheryll. grace and i were lauging our asses off. i mean LUSA. Laugh Until Stomache Ache. Gina taught me bwahaha (:
oh oh oh. lang legs and i saw the
FLAUT playing clement's piccolo. WAKAKAKA. another inside joke it wont be funny if it gets outside so inside it shall remain :D
too bad regina didnt get to see it (: haha
sugar high
nink-ed at 9:12 PM
Thursday, April 26, 2007
400th post.
just to share
i was reading my entries from a year ago.
its quite puzzling cos:
i do not remember the mugging for mid years
i do not remember the mugging for lims
i do not remember the mugging for o's
if there was even anyHOWEVER
i do remember the early mornings
i do remember eating in the canteen with pant minah and whoever
i do remember talking with MC about K stuff. eventually there was Nic and syaz and steffi
i do remember the sitting positions of AG
i do remember my sitting position and all those around me
i do remember being happy, carefree with the people i met
i do remember the tears of sadness and joy i shed. but i do not remember over what
i do rememeber crapping at the sectional area
i do remember talking with so many people at so many nooks and cranies in school these are the places where we forged bonds.
i do remember crying. cos i was overwhelmed to be back in tk for the o results.
a year on. i am at a new place.
the memories still etched in my heart
this goes to show that you wont remember shite of the studying that we do.
but what you will remember MOST is the IMPRESSION of people you meet in your life. not only will you get an impression. you will REMEMBER it.
for as long as memory serves us well.
nink-ed at 10:27 PM
i love J.CO donuts. i think you should know real well (:
school ends at 1200 tmr (: band starts at 1400(:
Nanyang Table Tennis team will be playing against
Raffles in the
jiayou Nanyang!hows that for loyalty? haha :/ its weird. trust me. haha (:
azyan will go out with me for lunch ONE DAY. (: i miss the dear girl :/ i sure hope you are reading more often now.. (: haha
accumulated memories in my chest of drawers
nink-ed at 9:41 PM
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
i got my J.CO donuts (: im happy.
shagged though
of sinful sexy heels
nink-ed at 9:14 PM
Monday, April 23, 2007
my RuiBum is back (: its been replaced. cos the joytick is not broken anymore (: whopee! and also all my beautiful pictures are gone. and all my songs. but. its alright.
im happy (:
nink-ed at 9:03 PM
Sunday, April 22, 2007
khas buat dique(;
saya sayang kamu!
[shit la! WTH it sounds damn WRONG (:]uhm.
oh well
nink-ed at 8:50 PM
i have no idea whether to roll my eyes or cry.
stability is currently on my most wanted list right now, cos. everythings s l o w ly spiraling outta
i cannot WAIT to see woggay, and XUAN! ahahha ((:
wog. i'll try to go for your concert (:cos if no one going then... ): but i want to go! haha (: will have a nice long catch up session on sat (:
nink-ed at 7:38 PM
seperti yang sudah dijanjikan. saya akan berbahasa melayu buat seketika
[shit this is damn weird]i cant do this!
whatever. ii cant curse inmalay./ that is so damn wrong!
work has been piling up. and i am s l o w l y but SUREL clearing it. its going to be ?PI then the malay thing. ah.
my thoughts are too jumbled so. yeah (:
nink-ed at 6:45 PM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
i need a hug. NOW
a huge dose of chocolate will help.
nink-ed at 11:38 PM
oh shuttup.
i dont like you.
you.. you... ugh
nink-ed at 11:36 PM
long legs and i had fun polishing sunshine and snowball. haha (: we were tugging the silver cloth from the other. ahah. i love my silver cloth. ahah. polisihing is fun fun fun. what is not fun is playing flat on the lower range notes and coping with a horrible ulcer. its CUTTING MY LIP DEEP.
it hurts to talk properly and to chew. took me such a long time to finish my biscuits ):
gave up on eating in school already. at least until the ulcer is more bearable. ive pretty much completed my karangan.
oh and i completely flunked my GP essay.
what a way to start the year ):
i trying to get the feel of writing a GP essay. and and and. it reminds me. i have yet to file my GP file ): ah.
i do not like running. its the worst form of exercise EVER. and NAPFA tests just a bout kills me. i loathe it. L O A T H E it. yes
so now you know how unfit and lazy i am.
and whoopeedoo! i have PE tomorrow.
nink-ed at 10:00 PM
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
shit. detective conan is scaring the freak out of me. but shinichi is so hawt. haha. cos.. its OGURI!
yes yes i should be doing my karangan and other thingies. but i think i DESERVE A BREAK. for now. at least. my brain is all mushy. so. yea.
lpus im back at multi taksing on the com (: im deleting files, watching detective conan, blogging and periodically reading off Fanfiction. the MAI girl is creeping me out.
my lip hurts.
i cant bite/chew close my mouth comfortably.
oh well
shuttup already asnira.
no one wants to hear you woes.
nink-ed at 10:24 PM
i have a FREAKING BIG ULCER on the inside of my upper lip!
it hurts EVERYTIME i played. ): i am not not not not happy. ugh. when i play the running notes its like. bleaugh. PAIN. and i cant chew. like HULLO.
i think i shall resort to eating atHOME so that i can chew S L O W L Y.
it hurts so bad ):
nink-ed at 9:20 PM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
im suepr trying to finish ALL my homework. and my freaking PI got rejected ): ah. as in it wasnt rejected like "oh my gawwd it sucks" but it wasnt acepted .
im talking in circles arent i?
what i mean is. phew. that i lack the analysis of ideas. arr shite.
my mouth huuurts!
the hook thingys are bruising my lips. plus i just came back from band so the whole mouth area is abit sore ): sad case.
aiyooh. so many things to do );
and only you
nink-ed at 9:19 PM
Saturday, April 14, 2007
its been ages since i posted song lyrics. haha. seems i have something to say. or prolly i just cant find nice songs.
no matter.
i found one now.
sing for you and only you
Wherever I go I find you
You’re in the sound of every hello
In everything I do
You’re the song I was destined to know
And I only sing for you
You went away. I should have known
You leave so many dreams behind you
Thought I’d be fine just being alone
I didn’t have a clue
But my heart had a mind of its own
And would only sing for you
You’re in the sound of the rain
Clouds in a winter sky
In a thousand unsaid words
In a thousand crazy reasons why
You were meant to fly
So fly for me and day by day
I’ll keep hoping your heart reminds you
Nothing but love can stand in our way
But love can see us through
Maybe that’s all I wanted to say
I will always sing for you
I will always sing for you
Daniel Letterle - I Sing For Youbeautiful song. this one too.
Here in the Dark
I stand before you
This is my chance to show you my heart
This is the start, this is the start.
I have so much to say and I'm hoping
That your Arms are open
Don't turn away, don't you need me?
But you have to hear me.
Here's where I stand,
Here's who I am
Love me, but don't tell me who I have to be
Here's who I am,
I'm what you see.
You said I had to change and I was trying
But my heart was lying
I'm not a child any longer
I am stroooongerrrr
Here's where I stand,
Here's who I am
Help me, to move on but please don't tell me how
I'm on my way, I'm moving out
In this life we've come so far
but we're only who we are (who we are)
Courage of love (Courage of Love)
will show us the way (Show us the way)
Unlock the power
To stand up and saaaaa--aaaaayyy (Stand upppp)
(Up and say!)
Herreeeee's where I stand
Here's who I am
(Stand Up) I'll be counting, counting on you
If you're with me, we'll make it through
Here's where I stand,
Here's who I am
Love me, Love me, Love me, and we'll make it through
Here's where I stand,
Baby, Baby, Baby, I'm counting on you
Here's where I stand
Love me, Love me, Love me, and we'll make it through
I'm counting, Oooh,
I'm counting,
I'm counting, I'm counting onn....
Tiffany Talyor - Here's Where I Stand
nink-ed at 9:32 PM
Annoying is when you cant stand seeing a person eventhough that person did not do anything to you and you berate yourself for being unjust
annoying is when you can't wait to see a person. you count the number of days till you see the person.
annyoing is when a person just wont shut the hell up.
annoying is when you are bursting to speak but there is no one that will appreciate your words.
annoying is when you know whatever the person is saying cuts deep yet the person knows nuts about you.
annoying is when a person refuses to tell you what is wrong and keeps you guessing.
annoying is being unable to do freaking H1 math
annoying is when you feel so pressured to complete all homework by the weekend cos you know you will have no freaking tmie to complete it within the week.
annoying is being unable to play running notes.
annoying is being flat on the clarinet.
annoying is when i can download my lecture notes.
annoying is when a song is freaking stuck in your head and you have no idea who sang it or what the title is. the worst is that no matter what you do, you just cant get it out.
three guesses on how im feeling. the first 2 are not counted.
i miss audrey
i miss cass
i miss cheeri
i miss dique
i miss frog
i miss germ
i miss migraine
i miss minah
i miss pant
i miss yiying
i miss being
CAREFREE melancholy hits at so the wrong time.
back to work.
nink-ed at 7:12 PM
Monday, April 09, 2007
kop-ed photos from ame's blog ((: haha

group shot!!
me ame

closeup of MATTHEW ahh.. he is soooooo cute (: as you can see.

migraine, ame and moi (:
ahahah sixers is LOVE <3
nink-ed at 9:24 PM
long long long picture post. well. not really. haha
thankew dear (: get them here.
the first 2 are from her and the class photo too. the rest are mine ((:

MrAng's Son! so cute! Matthew.. (:
its a bit dark tho. click to see his adorable smile (:

meishan (:

cheeri (: zippy (:

siying. eventhough i see her 5 days a week (:

charlotte. i ahd to pin her hands down. they were threatening to wander..

cass baby (:

Steffi (: ahha miss you

lois!! (: who finally upgraded her camera ((:

ghislene (: miss her :/

from the top, row by row
amanda [migraine!],yuyin (:,steffi
amelia the organiser (: thankew!,shannon(:
shuhui(:,charlene (:

YIYING!!!! (: she finally gave in and ii got a shot with her (: thankew for coming down (:

eliza the newly minted BIMBO. i have no idea why this was so dark.

CLASS PHOTO! haha (: not all were there. and MrANG and family (:
nink-ed at 8:23 PM
ooh special special day. HAHAH
their new single is nice laa ((: and there is a dougie version (:
and they are on tour now. 34 concert dates all in UK ):
no matter.
real proud of TKGSSB (: its a gold (: they will only know if it is with honours 7 days later. poor girls. i bet they are biting nails now.
was damn damn shagged and so sian in school. just dazed around and finished history homework. now i have no idea how to do math ):
nink-ed at 7:26 PM
Sunday, April 08, 2007
damn tiring weekend )):
oh well. but it was enriching ((;
saturday went for the band exchange thingy witht he thai school whose name is aso damn long and complicated that i cant remember. then we had masterclass witht he other bands. the person who conducted it was a jap person who was so cute trying to overcome the language barrier and at the same time making us understand what she was trying to say (: it was so breezy at the 5th storey that Um[my thai counterpart (:]was nodding off. dear girl haha yeahh so anyway. after all the schools left, had practice toll 1730 then i rushed home to get ready for
SIXERS DINNER!!! pics are not up. cos i havent uploaded them and there are pics at ame's blog. so if you cant wait go right ahead ((: catching up with sixersis TONNES of fun. we made the whole dining area OUR OWN. we never changed much. in terms of noise i mean. it was a good turnout. MR Ang and family came. Baby Matthew is so adorable ((: yesh so we went our separate ways once again at 2145~ish. [ANG YIYINg CAME AND MADE MY DAY ((:] went home tried to do more of my Pi but just slept.
woke up today at 0600 and remembered i have not finished my history. what a way to start the day. sat down and did 4.5/6 questions. went back to school at 0810. coached to VCH for the rehersals and whatnots. alot of waiting. i do not like waiting. so then grace was entertaining me with her damn funny jokes. i was laughing like shit in the concert hall. damn embarassing :/ but i swear they were so
FUNNY! and apparently we are the ones on the same wavelength. haha. lucnh was some rice thing. i didnt have potatoes )): but yeah when on stage blah blah blah. the thai band was so freaking good (: they got the gold award. ahah. and now im trying to chiong my PI after leaving early from school. i felt so bad. grace and i were "how ah? i feel so bad. but they ask us to leave cos our parents our waiting.." but still. our conscience was nagging but Mr neo asked us to leave anyway. oh well. still chionging for PI. goodness. and my history homework.
GO TKGSSB!! do your BESTES ((: WE [as in senoirs] LOVE YOU. and you haev our support ((:
i am thinking of chionging to tk after school ((: to hear the results. hope i wont be late ((:
of long pocky sticks?push the red button (:
nink-ed at 10:01 PM
Friday, April 06, 2007
at the Muse Music Festival Opening Ceremony, there was a lot of people from around the world. from New Zealand, Thailand, China and Saint Pat's and of course NY
sixers dinner tmr. omg. im so excitedyeahh. so anw. we were supposed to mingle and all that but i was feeling anti-people. HAHA. but the NZ guys were all so high. literally and figuratively. its the different altitude of air that they breathe. HAHA.
yeahh. then walked to City Hall. Grace and i felt like we were stalked by the 3 guys behind us. we were so damned scared man!! haha we walked uberly fast and leaving the rest of the group behind. we only slowed down when we reached the underpass when there were lights and many many people ((:
cant wait for dinner tmr ((:
and to some extent, the music exchange tomorrow (:
ahh. oh well.
of silver bells and black pipes (:
nink-ed at 9:27 PM
damn computer ate up my post
yes. mural painted yesterday.
with me around, there are bound to be catastrophes :/ heh. sorry ELvis for the big mess i made. sorry!!! really. i spilled mahagony paint on the floor! sorry. and to make things worse. i got PURPLE paint on my skirt cos while passing the paintbrush to one another, maocheng and pisang wasn't careful and i got painted. painting is really tiring business. at 3 the lit people went for the Boey Kim Cheng talk thing. wah.. so damn tired. i just left at 1730 when it was done and the rest went back to block 236.arr. was supposed to do PI when i got home but i turned it after 1000. woke p with a blocked nose and sore throat. and the damn creative MediaSource player is not cooperating with me.
i have to go back to school at 1300 for band. i predict that i will be very much blur and incoherent on monday in school but. i guess life will be going on this way.
this is the mural. the other half not captured. thanks to SHA ((: see te red cloud in the corner? that was where i slogged ((:
PANT you sneaky sneaky SOP turned uber minah! congrats anyway ((: happy for you ((:
nink-ed at 8:16 AM
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
ask a brainless question and get a brainless answer.
shagged. just got back from band. :/ ended at 2030
i just received my MID YEARS timetable. rruhh.
it starts on the 25th of May. like wth. its GP some more.
anyway shoutouts to..
Pant/S.O.P: congrats my dear girl (: seeya soon ((: dont get to brainless when you with teh sea craeture ((: haha
Sha: hey.i may not be the best shoulder but always know that i will try my damnest to listen to you. know that i will be there.
Juniors in TKGSSB: JIAYOU GIRLS! ((:
rest of you TKGIANS.: miss you shitloads.
im trying to chiong my homework so ta~!
nink-ed at 9:30 PM
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
coolshit day.
during the super damn long break, a number of us went to the discussion room to 'discuss' PW. like wth. we were doing 'math' eventhough they said no studying.. shh!!
it was fun.
when the h2 math people joined us. it was so havoc-y. we were talking about gay people. about how pro/anti gay we are. it was utter lameshit. it was fun thoughh.. dora was trying to take photos and videos with siying's butt blocking the way. haha. but twas twas fun ((:
i gotta thank siying for being such a nice girl and walking with me for the last round we were supposed to run for pe. haah . my lazy ass refused to move. wasnt me. it was my ass. anyhoo. it is especially dangerous to walk near railings of the staicase. any tom dick or harry can look up and see everything. -shudder. wouldnt want that to happen.
long long week.
i want to meet my ang yiying.
i cant go for
Gemilang at IJ tmr ):
i want to go back TK.
and innova.
melancholy hits at the WEIRDEST times,
and my lit class is most prolly gonna go watch KING LEAR. the Brit Production at the ESPLANADE. its the magneto guy (: haha
saranghae hi ya ya ya
nink-ed at 8:46 PM
Monday, April 02, 2007
PI is shite )):
i do not like homework )):
nink-ed at 7:33 PM
Sunday, April 01, 2007
i want the planner. like now now now.
its so exxyyyyyyyy )):
nink-ed at 8:44 PM
i wont complain. i wont moan. i wont groan.ahaha ((: things to not do on a sunday ((:
study ((: in the afternoon. i'll just sleep. hee
dalking with dq is fun ((: OMG!! YOU FORGOT TO BRING THE BOOK HOME! aiyohh haha ((:
oh yeah
we MEETING TMR aight?
why the hell am i talking to you via this blog? you are messaging me at this moment. ahaha
oh wells.
its a snow factory (:
nink-ed at 7:43 PM