a s n i r a;
so it is said. so i believe
to the world, you are somebody, but to somebody, you ARE the world Amor Est Vitae Essentia; Love is the Essence of Life
it doesn't matter how it happened. what matters is that, it happened
because you are next to me
i just want to see your smile
flowers in full bloom do not last forever
memories stained with tears, eclipsed by fading colours
remember what you were never told, but knew
love is a guessing game
perfect is worth waiting for
while holding hands, we are living
the purpose is to not run away, but to chase after dreams
sucks balls
Friday, August 31, 2007
haha damn cute they are girls.
had teachers day celebrations at NY. hahh. its forgettable.
hurried back to tk when we were dismissed early (: cabbed with mas, fananah and nikita. haha took FOREVER to get a cab. seriously. grr. when we reached, the concert that was still going on made us so hyped up that we ran from the front gate to the hall haha. changed into the band tee. and and felt like a bloody thing. haha.
the FIRST person who greeted me was MC. then i made a beeline for LONG JIA WEN! haha. finally met her after a gazillion years. (: she GAVE ME A BOSTON TEE SHICH I AM WEARING NOW. orange is such a lovely colour. (: thank you FROGGAY for the lovely tee! (: haha. hung around the back of the hall till the end of the concert. damn the alumni was DAMN NOISY. the teachers looked. bored. saw mdm hassan,mdm haryati, MRSLIEW!!SAW SHORT ANG! HAHA. jealous minah? ms tay mrs fu/foo changed. she looked good (: haha she says she wasnt "fooling around" teehee!
hung around. waiting for germ who was on the way. when she called me, i asked her to hurry on down. her exact words "what you want me to doo? i cant possibly ask the bus driver to drive faster right?" a classic response. frog and i were laghing bout it (: talked to froggay. and we missed woggay alot. ): too bad i missed seeing you dear! froggay, all the best aight!! (: keep me informed (: then while froggay and i were talking.. we saw a familiar figure. (: hehe "from 10 miles we will always know that it is germ coming"(:
when peektures of froggay and 3/4 MAG arrives, it'll be up (: i love MAG (: my DARLINGS
haha. when finding wednesday came on to perform. i SWEAR it was only the alumni and sec4 prefects who were enthusiastic about it. i think they are rather good (: fw i mean(: haha. it seems so dead now. TK i mean. alumni di TK PHILOSOPHY! TWICE! (: then one by one sixers 05-06 trickled in lets see.
syaz,maryam,shameen,bani,syaf,cass,cheeri,sophia,charlotte,shannon,steffi,yiying,siying,yuyin came on down. MIA were joelle,eliza,nicole,chong,shuhui,cheryl,queenie pwhoar. i remembered EVERYONE!
(: photos! with migraine [ghis in the background] took photos with sixers. alot of mia people.. ahah spot mrs f oo/u
then we split up. different plans luhh. so minah and i went with ame,charlene,shannon,migranie,ta,na,jo,min,ghis and meishan. bussed to orchard. was so damn tired. see our lovely hair (: migraine love (: dont you just love the colour of her hair? (: with ghis (: [ta,na in the background] with yy who ruined the picture. tsk.
haha. had lunch at "lido top floor" haha. we separated in to 3 sub groups. mainly cos we couldnt agree on what to watch (: ame,ta,na,jo,min,ghis and meishan watched 1408 charlene,shannon,manda watched evan almighty minah and i watched
HAIRSPR AY hah failed attempt (:
while waiting for the movie, ame and co, minah and i went to borders and i bought for myself a pencil TIN(: SO NICE!!!!! hehe. and omg damn malu but we were taking self timed shots outside one of wheelock's toilets. so maluu. but twas fun! once i get the photos.. (: hehe!
ame and co went in first their movie was at 1510, ours was at 1545 minah and i walk walk walk then back to shaw. and cam-ed (: tallandslim&shortandfat
and guess who were in the theatre with us?
CHONG!CHEERI!JIAYI!YIYING!SOPHIA! the movie's GOOOOOOOOOOOOD. L-O-V-E it (: haha. minah and i were laughing like maddddd. we could hear cheeri's laughter clearly. though she was a row diagonally infront of us. haha. funny shit. before the movie started, 2rows of girls were "humping" the comfy seats. damn funny shit (: its real good.
GO GO GO WATCH. and i think one of the guys of the nicest kids on the block is damn cute. there were a couple of scenes where there were close ups of Zac and girls in the theatre were goiong "oooh!" haha. teens and adults were in the theatre. oh man so cool so cool! (: haha. "my heart beats for a size 60" "TV is BLACK and WHITE."
oh man oh man. then we camwhored down the escalator cheeri attempted to"eat" jy's head but only succeeded in falling around and banging into other random strangers (; credits to minah who took peektures. my camera DIEDED on me.
hee! and FINALLY i took a decent peekture with ang (: and she's protecting her.. err.. haha too much soccer ah ang? haha
the best ending for the most hodgible week. thankew sixers for the time,friendship and memories (:
and MAG
i love you (:
we scratched our names into the sand
nink-ed at 9:13 PM
Thursday, August 30, 2007
it has been a HORRIBLE WEEK the thought of it just maketh me sick. and omg YOU ARE NOT HELPING.
haha. dique. same same luhh. haha.
i think the graffiti shirt and pencil case is cute shit haaha. damn expensive though. sungmin and yesung wore it. not bad.
hodgiblehodgiblehodgible week. so far
my heart breaks for you. dear angel.
nink-ed at 9:56 PM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
I PROMISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry for letting you down
nink-ed at 10:23 PM
hearing my sister speak malay is rofl funny shit. haha she's speaking it non stop now. god.
horrible isn't it? the feeling that consumes you? HEHE
haha SSS sounds funneh. gonna WATCH ITTT
HANA KIMI-ing noww. (: was rather productive today(; hehe. managed to complete tutorials due on the coming WEDNESDAY. HAHA. OH AND I PASSED MATH. finally. haha that was also because of.. haha.
oh and to the BMs. puhlease oh puhlease give me the answers THANK YOU
really super cannot wait to get back to TK.
OH this morning while i was reading the papers.. was flipping through the saturday section. i think then i saw a familiar face (: mrs Ching. haha. oh man. i miss mfps. my sis's gonna go THERE. bestest school period ever..
oh bloody fuck
nink-ed at 10:21 PM
Friday, August 24, 2007
i love this (:
nink-ed at 10:36 PM
i got SUPER excited when i say this (: HAHAHAHAH
the hip thrust were so un 'thrusting' HAHA but it was a job well done i guess.. i see familiar faces? or not. im wondering which class they are in. HAHA
this is not too bad either.
miss TKGSSB. the twirling bass at the end was uber coolstuff.
you never really now how much you value aotmeh=thing till its outta your life.
nink-ed at 10:12 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
teuk's hair is loong.
YOU kindly note that you are annoying me and i would strongly encourage you to get off my back thank you. YOU oh god. stop it already. you dont get it do you? baka. YOU where are you? just come get me now. isit that hard to ask? YOU i miss you you IDIOT. YOU HAHA. you make me laugh. thank you for being in my life. your prescence gives me great comfort (: thankew. YOU just you wait. i'll kick your ass. to high heaven :) YOU answer sincerely will you? dammit. the question was simple AND straightforward YOU how bout a hug? HAHA YOU stop making me WAIT LA. im PUNCTUAL YOU haiya. just GIVE IT TO ME YOU THANK YOU
YOU know who YOU are. even if you are not YOU and you terasa.. well then. toobad.
nink-ed at 8:49 PM
like i said. just because
nink-ed at 8:14 PM
yeap blogger ate up my post.
may your 17th be a wonderful one.
stupid blogger. yes im mad at you. gawd.
jealous much? HAHA
and OMGOODNESS. do you even own a bloody mirror? dammit. you are embarassing your damn self.
it has been one of those everything that will not go right will not go right kind of week. to quote borui " DAMN SIAN"
im just so not in the mood.
cheeri you are sorely missed.
sixers i miss you so.
just because
nink-ed at 7:49 PM
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
my phone bill is 60 bucks.
nink-ed at 9:22 PM
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
WELCOME BACK FROGGAY LONG JIA WEN (: my braces are now purple and turquoise.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM KI BUM and PARK JI WOON. may you lead loooooong lives. giving 'die' smiles and being 'cool&suave' always AHAHAHAHA
i keep forgetting to post this. its a blody nice song.
its on replay on ruibum (:
love it love it. haha
Well you done done me and you bet I felt it I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted I fell right through the cracks and now I'm trying to get back Before the cool done run out I'll be giving it my bestest Nothing's going to stop me but divine intervention I reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some
I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me Open up your plans and damn you're free Look into your heart and you'll find love love love Listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me A lá peaceful melody It's your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love loved
So I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait I'm sure There's no need to complicate Our time is short This is our fate, I'm yours
I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer My breath fogged up the glass And so I drew a new face and laughed I guess what I'm saying is there ain't no better reason To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons It's what we aim to do Our name is our virtue
I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait I'm sure No need to complicate Our time is short It can not wait, I'm yours
Well no no, well open up your mind and see like me Open up your plans and damn you're free Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love Listen to the music of the moment come and dance with me A lá one big family (2nd time: A lá happy family; 3rd time: A lá peaceful melody) It's your God-forsaken right to be loved love love love
I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait, I'm sure There's no need to complicate Our time is short This is our fate, I'm yours
No please, don't complicate Our time is short This is our fate, I'm yours
No please, don't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait The sky is your's!
Jason Mraz - I'm Yours
nink-ed at 8:42 PM
what makes me happy
-watching reruns of xman - shinhwa episodes - YEH and KJK episodes - bloody funny episodes of MC YOO and KHD -reading -sleeping -mocha chocolate chip cookies -ruibum -episodes of hana kimi -new k/j/c dramas -no tutorials -date with SEA and /or MAG -money
realise that all the above involvethings other than studies and school.
and it all concerns me
nink-ed at 8:23 PM
im tired. no idea why but im tired
eliza!!!!!!!!!! shh! now everyone knows! HAHA
shasha... CHEERUP. no need to be bothered. you are your own person so who the heck cares.... seriously. you've got such a GREAT friend with you 24/7 and with his support.. you'll be a-ok. chill. no need to stress bout all this kayyy..
bum's birthday tmr hahaa. the forum is BUSY warning people to not spam the thread. funny shit. then some are like a day early? haha i just wanna laugh. some people so sarcastc. AHAHA
oh and there was certain comment made by a certain someone in school today. HAHAHA. shitt all i could think was. gawd. do you have a mirror? delusional much? anyway..
oh man.damn the notes are up. damn have to do those questions. damn
nink-ed at 7:49 PM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
if you ahve been listening to the PM's RALLY..
HAHAHAHAH. and proud of it. oh man. im so proud to be associated to mayflower. haha
im all highhhhh
anyway. pant just sent me this.
Friends are like bras - close to your heart and there for support..
made me LAUGH.
thank you pant.
i love you pant. i love you minah.
nink-ed at 8:26 PM
i miss xman
nink-ed at 7:05 PM
so adorkable
nink-ed at 5:29 PM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
hee. ep 7 was aihgt.. haha. cant wait for the magazine one next week (:!
my heart breaks for nakatsu but hey! im all for ashiya and sano (: hee!
nink-ed at 11:21 PM
ooh.. episode 7 is F I N E.
i love the music they play when nakatsu faces mizuki or komari. haha. the guys are so cute. share blankets. haha.and kayashima's face. oh man.. cuteness. and and a few minutes into the drama there's already a sano-nakatsu moment.
nink-ed at 10:19 PM
hah.. didnt go school YESTERDAY (: and. was omfg damn tired.
my sister was looking through the cookie recipe book. then she came across cinammon rolls and they looked goood. sis: i want to make this. but is cos got cinammon me: eee. cinammon smell very strong. sis: but its ok la. can put vicks what. me: err.. yeahh.
haha. mymummy baked cookies.
you better buy them i tell you
why oh why do mcfly extend their concerts ONLY IN THE UK HUUUH?
xan the movie show in singapore like PLEASE. they are going international though (: hee! haha. lets hope and pray that it makes a stop and singapore or something something
ms victior played us something cool during lit tutorial. have a listen.. its goooddhahaha.
im done.
done done done done
nink-ed at 9:51 PM
Thursday, August 16, 2007
play was funny weird unnatural english fun lotsa teachers tired feet. neck pain sleepy headache
funny ct periodHAHAHAHA mao wants to be a house husband HAHAHAHAH
good day. good but tired
sorry for incoherency
nink-ed at 11:29 PM
im tired ); im going to be cranky
later everyone's gonna be cranky ):
i dont want to go to school.
nink-ed at 12:50 AM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
i saw shoes today! didnt get to see yunshi though..); always just missed her. met gillian and venetia and diyana and anisah and salina and alot of tkgians haha
happy happy.
i love the hair haha. mine i mean hee!
nink-ed at 9:51 PM
we won baybehh!
haha 2nd place. HAHA
if you are lost, i am talking about the mother tongue news article writing competition that fananah and i took part two weeks ago ;D
we got second we got second! HAHAHA $200 dollars divided by 2 HAHA.
the after the thingy at innova, went with dq to bishan. went to get our HAIRCUT! haha.
her hair now is funky cool shit. haha
i like my hair which is now shoter and not as thick. its not exploding so badly now (:
kay kay.. hafta go do so many many things (:
and i need sleep. else i'll be cranky tomorrow...
how bout a chance? is that too much to ask?
thank you for listening (:
nink-ed at 9:09 PM
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
from 1:27 to about 2:55
omg .. nice haha kinda haha
its the meteor garden theme song i think korean version
nink-ed at 11:54 PM
i ate chocopie!
siying gave me chocopie! ahha
she kop-ed it from dora's house.
but i ate chocopie!
nice nice nice chocopie!
i loev the chocopie.
yummy yummy chocopie.(:
minah: please la. strawberries? haha but twas funny ! haha eh eh cheer up kay..
don't so emo ahh (: haha ;D
nink-ed at 10:29 PM
Monday, August 13, 2007
shit funny haha
nink-ed at 11:05 PM
kihyun is SUCH a camwhore.
haha.. all the photos ahh.. hurr. haha and oh oh oh dq!
the photos of lio on page 314 of the forum. oh goodness. love the one with him and the heart. haha this one (: haha
ohmygoodness. haha
nink-ed at 10:17 PM
ahah i got all jumpy when i saw this hee!
nink-ed at 9:38 PM
perfect man sung by BATTLE is playing oh so nicely in my ear.
lit was rather intresting. we were digressing a whole LOT. [surprise surprise] mrs teo was talking about uing school lifts and parents master bedroom toilets without switching on the aircon. we were in the com lab. it was DAMN stuffy. i wasnt really listening. elvis was arguing with her about what she said.. but the point is. i just couldnt think. the air was ugh. anyway. i just raised my hand and was like "mrs teo, could you please switch on the aircon first thank you" while she was making her point about... something. hah. i might have no tact but wth. it was STUFFY. when she FINALLY did thank GOD. lessons FINALLY got started. goodness we wasted close to half and hour. not that we minded much. HAHA
and oh goodness there was a history surprise quiz. not test, but a QUIZ. yea yea. well its counted ANYWAY. so in our books, NO DIFFERENCE.
spent a RATHER fruitful day (: managed to complete tutorial 2.4
all im left with is - guilt essay - tutorial 11 - 2 kefahaman questions - hotel thingy.
oh yeyy.
im just so GLAD that E bloody OM is OVER and done with (: i was super relieved when i handed it up haha.
oh my shit oh myshit.
EH DQ! ryu looks a BIT like rain eh? HAHA in the video where he was smiling with his oh so cute dimple glaring at the camera... i think he does. haha
in this photo.. if you look at a certain angle, he looks like sno. note: i said SANO not rui, not shun (: HAHA yes yes.. he's cool and suave.. (: and i am not naggy damn i cant deny. ): haha
dunno if this works.. but this vid cracks me up no matter how many times i see it. they look so DORKY
esp the part when andy trips and almost falls off the chair HAHA
i love i love
nink-ed at 9:36 PM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
i forgot to mention that the guy grafted on joojihoon's body is chris (: JJH is the one in the small picture haah..
one of shinhwa's songs that i dont mind listening to (:
dq: lio HAS to be the different/weird/extra one eh? everyone who wears a tie wears it rpoperly BUT he has to untie it and let it hang. haha// but oh well. have to agree with you though.. he's cool and suave. ahha
hah im stalking battle forum
im just so glad my eom is over and done with (:
nink-ed at 9:20 PM
i was doing fine with my eom.
BUT. i got stuck at
what the article lacks though is...
edit [2028h]
im done!haha
DIE PW DIEDIE DIE DIEDIE. i saw this picture on the Battle thread. HAHA
HAHAHAHA!!! the caption was Father and Son? HAHA anyway. some photos that made me happy.
kibum with dorky heechul (: haha
to all the students of SMAN71 who came over to singapore (:
the experience we shared gave me lasting memories (: hope to see you again at the end of the year. have a safe trip back home (:
i love the hug scene(:
nink-ed at 8:05 PM
i keep forgetting to say this.
donghae with his fedora hat thingy is damn sexy
ok the gifs are not working. how do i make them work?.
nink-ed at 6:51 PM
poor poor chul.s ):
heechul fighting.
omg. mean MEAN MEAN antis. poor guys.. hurr.. the drawbacks of being a star ehh?
die PW die die die die. HATE you PW.
the sentiments from my peers read along those lines. DIE PW DIE
nink-ed at 6:23 PM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
wiggle wiggle
nink-ed at 8:59 PM
i DONT LIKE EJ!!!!!!
why oh why oh WHY.
ahh.. the whited out summary of the ep 5 did not prepare me luhhhhhhhhhh
shit the sihae namnam couple damn gay. esp when they did the titanic scene the dance was cute though! aha
dq: aren't you glad for soompi? HAHA see, you are hooked! haha
this is weird but i think bum has cute fingers when playing the piano. and he shouldnt use those lao ahpek specs.
kay im jealous. of that hug/drink thang. grr. go away ahram
when siwon did that drink around the arm thingy.. ahha so funny. hae kept moving away from siwon. haha. so PARANOID or something (: siwon and his COLA
hee~ shooo fun
bum's so nice nice nice nice nice.
nink-ed at 8:45 PM
haha as requested by shasha HAHA
nink-ed at 8:38 PM
im reading ep 5 summary and im all EXCITED (: haha
the thingy is loading while i do my eom... my hana kimi. gawd FINALLY
next week is KIHAE NAMNAM COUPLE!!!!
cant wait (:
im all jumpy and excited now........
this was a gay picture i took with sha (:
we love eating char kway this way.. [see rhyme (:]
we've been doing this since monday. hahahahahaha its a great way to eat char kway. [oh look! another rhyme!]
i sent an email a couple days ago enquiring about band dinner. HAHA ok so far i got 2 out of 5 replies.. the one i got from amara.. was super exciting.. a RATHER STEEP PRICE. but its exciting!!! OMG OMG OMG so detailed and everything (: HAHA so exciting!!!!!!!!!!
haha. they are all in kl now. coming back to singapore on the 12th before flying back to jakarta.
070807 went to little india. what happened was a BLUR. but i distinctly remember walking around in circles, grumbling a WHOLE LOT and all the tired/shagged/worned out/drained faces of NYJCians and the SMAN 71 students. went home slept till next morning.
0800807 woke up damn early cos caca and yasti needed to be in school at 0645 and i needed to be in school by 0650. yadda yadda. the chool celebrations was super boring. haha and the community singing was only like 2 songs. HULLO?! and its was i cant remember what song and moments of magic. i was like THE only one singing. no wait the few who ACTUALLY knew the songs played. grr. stand up also no use everyone was just standing around. i miss tk i have to stop this. its unhealthy. then had farewell reception. (there' s this song that is playing. one that i actually like listening to. its a band kinda song. hah i don't even know what its called! it calmed me down.) trooped to bugis with the CCS students. the indos were lugging their lugagge. poor dears. stoped by national library and guess who i saw? haha. innovians. haha a WHOLE BUNCH of them. a quick study of the skirts gve me the conclusion that they were j2s. haha and was immediately on the look out for shoes, yunshi and venetia. just to say hi. ahha too bad i missed yunshi. saw venetia though (: haha. didnt see shoes ):
followed the buddies to their apartment at lucky plaza. was uberly shagged. everyone. can see on their faces. clearly etched. had lunch with dina then i couldnt take it anymore and bailed. slept for a long time
love the date. met lovelies at 1100. thought i was gonna be late but NOPE! haha. first stop was secret recipe (: haha. eli looked like a bunk with her haircut haha! kept poking fun at her. literally. plus she was wearing little miss ditzy shirt. sheesh pant. photo credits to minah (: haha. miss ditzy BWAHAHA i love the wonderful ice cream display haah river island sale (: haha
this seasons clothes are so colourful. i was super attracted by them (: haha. such bright colours. HAHA. went around looking for nike b.i.r.d haha [my snese of direction is tops. as per normal (:] haha pant pant got her pink one. hurr. oh yes. and we bought vinco donuts. i still love the J.Co donuts. i shall try the munchy's soon. haha shall ask yixiang get them for me . wakaka (:
we parted at 1500. pant pant had to go meet ahem for softball.
watched the parade at home. i didnt really like it. the song wasnt so bad though.. the atmosphere for the parade was kinda different.lacking in enthusiasm i guess. haha.anyway. lots a work to do/catch up on. hist tutorial tomorrow.
i cant wait for hana kimi. first kiss is a kinda a nice drama . inoue mao [ i think] is so cute in this drama (:
like i said.. if only
nink-ed at 4:04 PM
nanba speaking englsih. wth damn nice la
nink-ed at 12:07 PM
this is damn funny i recommend it. its damn good (:
nink-ed at 12:01 AM
Thursday, August 09, 2007
nink-ed at 10:48 PM
nink-ed at 10:43 PM
kibum so cute
nink-ed at 10:30 PM
heechul's cyworld damn funny (:
haha.. he says hankyung has "rock - like" thighs HAHA he talks about his cat alot! heebum (: haha then there was one post he said, he put the ramne in the freezer for it too cool down fast. then he got really excited posting photos, he forgot about it and the ramen got FROZEN
he's damn funny la. and nice too. posting such good tings about the memebrs (:
the members like ask him what is their cartoon character (: ahah
there ware some posts where he writes in heebum's pov (: haha..
then he often describes heebum.
like for example,
heebum loves to sleep under his apartment mate, jay's bed, on the fride, and on bum's chair. heebum will be happily sleeping on bum's chair.. then bum will be like
bum : move it i want to use the computer heebum : still sleeping bum : aiish.. heechul, ask your cat to get of my chair heechul : why? its not my chair what bum : -grumbles- like owner like cat heecuhl : what did you say? bum : nothing nothing. i was talking to myself. since there is nothing to do, i shall go and bathe heechul : why do you always bathe? how many times do you tae a shower in a day huh? bum : cos, there's nothing to do
HAHA. iwas laughing. like crap. of course the above conversation was paraphrased (; although kibums like allergic to cats, he still takes good care of heebum and carries him around. HANJAEHEEBUM haha ok i shall stop this
siwon said this in a mag interview Which Member do you want to become most? Siwon: Kyuhyun. Actually I really want to bear the pain for him, even if it meant having to go through it once.
sweet aye
posting bout indo buddie some other day oh yeah
nink-ed at 9:37 PM
Monday, August 06, 2007
one word : shagged
nink-ed at 9:14 PM
Sunday, August 05, 2007
(: its the beatle's song (: haha
nink-ed at 12:38 AM
Saturday, August 04, 2007
photos of today's bbq. haha not much. i took out my cam uhm.. very late. HAHA!
yesh i JUST got back (: my throat is fuzzy with bbq smoke peek-a BOO! fananah, dinafarah, maste [sp?],tika, (:, hsya, tia (: gwoop photo. shahidah went of EARLY. IZZAH TOO. AYU HSYA(:
sha went off early.. pangseh me. then dinafarah and fananah came LATE. so. thena after the indons went bakc, fananah, dinafarah, nadia and i went to 7-11 FIRST to get slurpees. it was 2030ish. haha. then trooped to the BUS STOP at nenek's house. dinafarah and i took 76 (:
then we took photos (: some coolshit photos (: notice the feet? (: haha.. cool la.
kay kay.. better go do PW. tomorrow going out again. need ta get present for hsya (:
nink-ed at 11:46 PM
Friday, August 03, 2007
my hair exploded after i bathed . haha
it was after pe .. then while it was drying it haha went haywire.
the clock now shows 0012
good morning people. its a brand new day.
thursday date woth sea
mag lunch soon
i can recharge with my lovelies
nink-ed at 10:24 PM
Thursday, August 02, 2007
it made me cry so bad. ):
and made the ache worse.
i cant wait for 090807
OMG! coolshit date man!
minah i miss you pant pant i miss you
53 days to promos. thanks to the 30th SC
chongky wonky (: its great to hear from you. pang seh me like shit ahh.. HAHA
joking la... i miss bullying you. REALLY. take care.
i get bored. and puzzled.
dont you ever get tired of the same emotions day by day? haha. its like a bloody pendulum predictable.
i get tired. so i think you will too. eventually till then, i wait for the day.
nink-ed at 10:49 PM
the throbbing migraine that has been plauging me is annoying the hell outta me. that and the fact taht my eyes tire easily gives me litlle time to complete my homework. i squint my eyes to make them work okeh. tired tired shit. i squint so my vision doenst blur. and im using my reading specs. hurr hurr.
spent the day in school finishing up my homeowrk due this week [cept for math tutorials. i lost the paper!]
during the 3 hour damn long break i read a book by Low Kay Hwa. I Believe You is a damn nice book. set in singaporean context. it made me cry. badly.
In Love, you either Love or you don't
sighh.. nice nice noce. shall go find more of the author's works.
kay my eyes are hurting already.. tata
nink-ed at 8:00 PM
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
(: ahhhhhhhhh
nink-ed at 11:15 PM
ok haha. chul cut hair. damn man.
i just got back from meeting my fellow indonesian buddies. omg they damn cute la! haha. they speak english rather well i must say. haha. better than my indo [or lack there of] so shagged so shagged. i cant think now.
just cant wait to see them a gain. tmr i think. then next wweek, we'll be homestay-ing
omg omg omg so exciting (: haha
coherent post when i can think.
nink-ed at 10:51 PM
Asnira Hassan
14 May 1990
eighter;oh3 oh4
sixer;oh5 oh6
0732 ME loves to read
loves my eyes
loves my feet
loves my little world
loves Draco;Kibum;Rui;Sano;Dylan :D
loves SEALs
loves snowball
loves chocolate; potatoes; donuts
loves my family
loves my darling DIQUE, MAG, S.E.A, AG, NEHs, FEIZAI's, SIXERS and EIGHTERS
loves pretty stars, curly wurlys, butterflies, stars and hearts
loves pretty notebooks
loves pretty hair
loves long dangling earrings
loves thick coloured hairbands
loves to be tall and slim :))
loves to be in good company
to be a better muslim
that zip bag thingy contacts
Missing You Princess Diaries 9
Meet Meg Cabot!
Mark Callahan's story by Geralyn Dawson
Nora Robert's MacGregor Grooms Debbie MacComber Navy Series
McFly Greatest Hits Tour 2007 DVD
McFly's RADIO:Active Deluxe Edition
동방신기's 4집
Build-A-Bear Bear (:
GMAX BUNGEE Singapore Flyer
cloth bound book from Paperchase holiday with DIQUE
JAPAN June 2008 to see the Nothern Lights in Alaska
to learn how to change my blogskin all by my own