Thursday, October 23, 2008
the clouds look so pretty.
i wish it'll snow
nink-ed at 11:42 AM
Friday, October 10, 2008
hwayobi looks so homely! really really and she omg has like super alot of hobbies man! hwanhee kinda looks like dongwan. ok wait. he kinda looks like wuzun too!
marco and his wife bloody funny HAHAH, i still think he was kinda showing off. HAHAH but son dambi seems to kinda be amazed HAHA.
"my wife's a killer" i think he's getting a kick out of saying
buinjinyoung and hyunji's kinda awkward but it was awesome to see him getting suckered into whatever nonsense HAHA.
i couldnt put this on lj cos it was screwing up on me. but anw photos are up there.
yeah anyway. so this year for the graduation ceremony, they have presents for like smartest class
[fine they didnt outrightly say so but we're not dumb], least absentees, least latecomers, fittest and all that.
obviously we didnt get any duh. cos we're so bonded [but we're cool like that] but we would totally own if the awards were like most absentees during morning assembly.
[there were only 2 present during yesterday's assembly], number of latecomers
[bobo and elaine will make sure of that] HAHA. oh well.
im proud of three two. really am (:
thats it.
im outta ny.
nink-ed at 9:28 PM